
Sound Meditation

What is Sound Meditation?

How does it benefit us?

According to research, the first thing that could be felt when the universe was formed was vibrations. Any vibration or frequency begins with sound. As a result, when the universe first began, sound was the first primordial sign of movement, of life. Our bodies are made up of five different elements: fire, water, air, earth, and sky. All of these elements have a distinct rhythm and sound that serves as an indication of how they work.

Sound meditation is a healing practice having roots in the 11th century, when it was employed as a mainstream curative therapy by people from the Himalayan and Tibetan regions. It was utilized not only to treat illness, but also as a potent, preventative measure against any type of discomfort.

The Science

Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual underpinnings make up the human body. Only the physical element is visible and external, while the remaining 3 are intangible and within.

We frequently devote 75 percent or more of our attention to the 25 percent (physical body) and only 25% to the 75 percent (inward body). According to Sound Meditation, disregarding this 75% is the cause of most of our physical ailments and disorders. All of the negativity, frustration, and stress we accumulate over time appear in unsightly ways. As a result, it’s critical that we periodically cleanse our brains and bodies of these attachments.

The Method and Process

During a Sound Meditation session, seven metal bowls tuned to our major energy centers or chakras are played. The bowl’s vibrations permeate the body, transporting it to a deep meditation state known as the ALPHA – THETA brain wave state. In this state, the Central Nervous System is stimulated, causing the body’s natural healing process to begin.

The 7 primary energy centres, or chakras, are also the locations of the 7 major hormonal glands. Hormone secretion is critical for all organs to function properly and regulate themselves. Because these bowls are tuned to the frequencies of our hormonal glands, when sound is combined with guided visualisation and appropriate affirmation, the human body tends to shed the baggage it carries and digests all that is undigested in their life, bringing them back into balance. This results in healing and good health. Sound Meditation has no harmful side effects and is suitable for people of all ages.

The Healing

Sounds Meditation heals our bodies across four levels: the physical, mental/emotional and Spiritual:


  1. Deep relaxation and muscle regeneration
  2. Pain relief for joints, muscles, sciatica, headache and migraine, the digestive system, headaches and migraine, spine injuries, shoulders, improved blood circulation
  3. Better digestion
  4. Atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, and organs function in a more synchronized way
  5. Better energy flow
  6. Elimination of toxins from the body
  7. Better immune system

Mental and Emotional

  1. A relaxed mind, mental/emotional tensions, and blockages are eased
  2. Better concentration
  3. Inner feelings are activated and released
  4. More energy and strength in everyday life
  5. Alleviated mental or emotional pain
  6. Improved self-confidence, boosted creative and productive potential


  1. A positive feeling of self
  2. Better balance and harmony in your life
  3. Experiences of bliss
  4. Cleansing of chakras (energetic centers and the Nadi – astral channels)
  5. A higher frequency reaches our innermost essence, which boosts our energy and our vibrational level
  6. The way to a more intense and higher vibration of love

Client Ackmowledgement

As the state of California has not adopted any educational and training standards for the practice of SOUN THERAPY, This statement of credentials is for information purposes only.

Sound Therapy is a self-regulating profession and the State of California does not license its practitioners. Sound Therapy is not intended for the diagnosis, treatment or cure of disease. It is a relaxation therapy, and a useful adjunct to licensed, qualified medical or psychological care. For any persistent pain or symptom, even a seemingly minor one, the reader is strongly encouraged to consult a medical doctor. When used in conjunction with standard medical treatment, the Sound Therapy technique can assist the healing process by releasing tension, decreasing stress and encouraging a sense of increased well-being. I am not a physician or a licensed health care provider and may not provide a medical diagnosis nor recommend discontinuance of medically prescribed treatments. If a client desires a diagnosis or any other type of treatment from a different practitioner, the client may seek such services at any time. In the event a client terminates my services, the client has a right to coordinated transfer of services to another practitioner. A client has the right to refuse Sound Therapy services at any time. A client has a right to be free of physical, verbal, or sexual abuse. A client has a right to know the expected duration of sessions, and may assert any right without retaliation.

Sound Meditation